Inclement Weather Policy (Thunder & Lightning)

Inclement Weather Policy (Thunder & Lightning)

To All CYA Members and Participants:

It is very common for Thunderstorms to roll into the Chantilly area in the late afternoons.  It is important that all CYA Sport Coordinators, Administrators, Coaches, and Parents are crystal clear on the CYA Inclement Weather Policy:

If you hear Thunder or see Lightning, clear the field immediately!!! 

Parents, if you are on a field and you hear Thunder or see Lightning, please make your coach aware just in case he/she did not hear/see it.  Then, take your child off the field IMMEDIATELY.  Report any problems or concerns to the Sport Coordinator or to the CYA Board of Directors.

CYA is committed to providing our kids with a safe environment.  When a Thunderstorm is brewing and Lightning has been spotted, it is imperative that our coaches take it upon themselves to play it safe and clear the field right away.  That includes getting kids out of the parking lot and into cars.  Coaches who do otherwise will be dismissed from their positions.   

There is no reasonable justification for jeopardizing the safety of our kids.  We realize weather related situations cause a great deal of inconvenience but this is a temporary scenario as opposed to the alternative.

Please be Safe!

The CYA Board of Directors

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CYA Office
14810 Murdock Street
Chantilly, VA 20151

CYA Fieldhouse
14810 Murdock Street
Chantilly, VA 20151

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