CYA Injury Awareness Seminar Series

Updated for 2013

CYA Injury Awareness Seminar Series

Over the past few months, CYA has worked closely with Dr. Keith Lawhorn of Commonwealth Orthopedics in the development of an Injury Awareness program, with an initial focus on concussion awareness and prevention.   We are excited at this time to offer two events with more to come in the coming months.  Dr. Lawhorn has volunteered to take the lead role in this project to educate coaches, parents and athletes on an array of sports related injuries.  

Head injury related news has been the hot topic in all sporting venues recently from the professional level all the way down to the bantam leagues.  No contact sport is immune from the discussion.  Since there is often no immediate sign of injury with a young athlete, it is critical to learn what to do if you suspect your child has a concussion, and what are the next steps in terms of recovery and care.   

The CYA Injury Awareness Seminar Series will begin in March 2013 and build over the coming months.  The Series will address everything from general awareness, concussion recognition, knee injuries, elbow injuries, preventative exercises and much more.  More importantly, the goal we have is to provide our membership with information needed to take swift action in the event an injury occurs.  Rest assured, if kids compete in youth sports long enough, they will get injured which is why we all need to gather as much information as possible so that we can make educated decisions when that time comes.   

We hope the entire membership will take advantage of this offer and we are grateful to Dr. Lawhorn and all of the other Health Care Providers who will be part of the project moving forward. 


CYA Injury Awareness Seminar Series Schedule

Location Intended Audience Topics
Saturday, March 16th, 9:00 - 10:00am CYA Office CYA Coaches Concussion Information
Tuesday, April 30th, 7:00 - 9:00pm Chantilly High School CYA Coaches, Parents, Players Concussion Information
Thursday, June 27th, 7:00 - 8:00pm CYA Office CYA Coaches, Parents, Players Heat Risks in the Summer


Contact Us


CYA Office
14810 Murdock Street
Chantilly, VA 20151

CYA Fieldhouse
14810 Murdock Street
Chantilly, VA 20151

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