Chantilly Youth TOPSoccer Program

Chantilly Youth TOPSoccer Program

The 2012 fall TOPSoccer Session has ended. Thanks to all who made it a success!

 About The Program

This sports program provides kids with special needs a chance to participate in basic sports such as soccer, basketball, and other fun exercise-oriented activities in a relaxed, fun and carefully supervised indoor environment. During the session, players will be paired with a volunteer “buddy” to work through fun games and skill activities. Each buddy will have received training on working with children with special needs under the direction of a Fairfax County Therapeutic Recreation Services specialist.

Parent Responsibilities
You must remain on-site at all times – this is not a drop-off program and parents are expected to be in charge of all medical and behavioral issues for their child. Wear your sneakers! We always try to have buddies for all our participants, but please come prepared to assist your child if we do not have enough volunteers or in the event that your child is unable to work with a buddy.  Bring a water bottle for yourself.

The latest soccer field status is here:

Click this link for the latest program updates:

 To enroll a child in the program, please download, complete and fax the forms listed below to Susan Mulligan at 703-880-7131. 

  • Medical Certification Form
  • Participant Information Form
  • TOPSoccer Player Snapshot Form 

These forms can be found on the left menu bar of the CYA TOPSoccer page. 

You will receive a confirmation email once these have been received.  At that time you will also receive a VYSA Medical Release Form and a USYS Agreement to Participate Form.


Contact Us



CYA Office
14810 Murdock Street
Chantilly, VA 20151

CYA Fieldhouse
14810 Murdock Street
Chantilly, VA 20151

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