Q: What are the different options for participating in CYA Wrestling?

A: The following options for wrestlers of all ages and experiences during the 2024-2025 season: 

  • Future Champions (Practice Only):  This is a once-a-week introduction to wrestling with age-appropriate games and drills.  Limited to 15 wrestlers, ages 5-6.  
  • Elementary School/Middle School Option: For beginner and advanced wrestlers who will attend 2 practice sessions during the week and Mason Dixon Wrestling League competition on the weekend


Q: Can girls participate in wrestling?

A: Absolutely! Everyone is invited to wrestle!  Female wrestling exists at all levels of the sport, including the Olympics. Please keep in mind though that females practice with and compete directly against boys.


Q: Can I help coach even if I don't have any wrestling background or experience?

A: Definitely! We are happy to have all of the help we can get. Even if you don't have experience with wrestling, the kids will benefit from the added one-on-one attention they can get from an adult. If you are interested in serving as an assistant coach this winter, please email chantillyyouthwrestling@gmail.com


Q: What are the weight classes?  Does my child need to lose weight or make weight?

A: There are no weight classes in the local league that we participate in.  Wrestlers are grouped together with other kids with similar age, experience, and weight. 


Q: How long does the season run?

A: The winter season is from November through February.  There is an end-of-season league championship tournament in March for those wrestlers that qualify.       


Q: What equipment/uniforms are required?

A: All wrestlers must wear wrestling shoes at practice and competitions.  Wrestlers with braces must wear a mouth guard.  Competition wrestlers must purchase a singlet to wear at tournaments.  Optional spirit wear is also available for purchase. 


Q: What are the hygiene concerns with wrestling?

A: Like any contact sport, its possible to contract certain skin conditions while wrestling. For this reason we take hygiene very seriously. We've had very few skin issues develop over the years with our team. The Chantilly high school team mops and disinfects the mat before every practice. Kids should always shower immediately after practices and tournaments. Only wrestling shoes should be worn on the mat, not street shoes. If your child shows signs of an issue please see a doctor immediately and let the coaches know.  Any wrestler with visible skin disease will not be able to return to practice or wrestle in a tournament until a doctor fills out this release.


Q: How do I register my child for wrestling?

A: Go to the CYA registration page.

Q: How much does it cost for the season

A:  Each option has a different cost 

  • Future Champions
    • $125 
  • ES/MS Team Option
    • $175

Q: What does the registration fee cover?

A: The registration fee covers practice sessions per week, a team t-shirt, an end-of-season banquet, and all Fairfax County administrative fees. ES and MS fees also cover weekly regular season Mason DIxon Youth Wrestling League matches.    


Q: Are there any other expenses associated with CYA Wrestling?

A: All CYA Wrestlers must also purchase a USA Wrestling Limited Folkstyle Membership ($18) at https://www.usawmembership.com/. Competition wrestlers must also purchase a singlet to wear at tournaments. .  


Q: Where are practices held?

A: Practices will be held at both Chantilly HS.

Chantilly HS: Enter through Door #10 and the wrestling room is on the left side.


Q: What equipment does my child need for practice?

A: Wrestlers practice in a t-shirt, shorts, headgear and wrestling shoes.  They may not wear any other footwear (including sneakers or tennis shoes) on the wrestling mats.  Wrestlers who have braces must also wear a mouth guard.  

Q: My child can’t make all practices, can he/she still participate?

A: Yes.  Practices are not mandatory but it is highly recommended to attend every practice possible.  As an individual sport, the amount one improves is proportional to the amount of time they practice and spend time on the mat.  


Q: What equipment does my child need for tournaments?

A: All wrestlers must wear wrestling shoes and the team singlet. Optional: mouth guard and head gear


Q: What are the weight classes?

A: For the beginner/intermediate tournaments there are no weight classes. After all wrestlers weigh-in, they are grouped with other kids with similar age, experience, and weight.


Q: How many matches will my child wrestle at a tournament?

A: Most wrestlers wrestle two or three matches during a tournament.  However, if there is difficulty pairing your child due to age, weight, and experience, the tournament organizers will ask your permission to move them to a different weight group or age group in order to get them matches.  


Q: Will my child be grouped with more experienced opponents?

A: During the regular season, most first-year wrestlers only get paired with other first-year wrestlers. Experienced wrestlers will only wrestle other experienced wrestlers.  At the end of the year tournaments, all wrestlers will wrestle against one another.  


Q: What are the post-season tournament opportunities?

A: There are several opportunities to wrestle at the end of the wrestling season (Mason Dixon Wrestling League Championships, Virginia Kids State Wrestling Championships, etc).  However, these tournaments are not included in the registration fee and you must register individually.  CYA coaches will be present at all post-season tournaments.  


Q: What is the awards banquet?  

A: There will be an awards banquet in March to recognize the hard work of all of the wrestlers.  All wrestlers will receive trophies and additional awards will be presented to specific wrestlers. Details will be sent by the banquet committe at the end of the season.

Q: How do I obtain a competition singlet?

A: All wrestlers will be required to purchase a singlet from the team store this year. Loaner singlets will not be distributed. A link will be sent to purchase singlets. 

Contact Us


CYA Office
14810 Murdock Street
Chantilly, VA 20151

CYA Fieldhouse
14810 Murdock Street
Chantilly, VA 20151

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